Picture of Fran age 5 1948 and Fran with her children 1970 both taken by her Mom
"Understanding God's Grace" written July 1986 and sung by Fran Meservy 9-9-09
Understanding God’s Grace By: Frances McCrory Meservy 1986
When I was just a little girl
My Lord was real to me.
He touched my heart and filled my soul
With love and harmony.
As I grew up, he walked with me
And carried all my woes.
He helped me understand his ways
And taught me how to love.
I drifted off the narrow road
And listened to the world.
He stayed with me and led me back
To his loving arms.
Now I have children of my own
And know the pain He felt
When I, his child, wondered off
Into the world and dwelt.