
by: Frances M. Meservy 2011

Our forefathers signed on this day

Our Declaration of Independence.

It shows our citizens the way

To live in freedom and dependence.


We have the right to life;

The right to be born.

When this causes strife,

We feel free to mourn.


Liberty is ours to cherish merrily,

Grasp and hold forever..

We protect it daily,

And lose it never.


We are free to be ourselves

And search for happiness.

We don't sit on shelves

In abject forgetfulness.


Our freedom of speech

Makes our hearts fill with joy.

Around the world it does reach

Regardless of who it does annoy.


The freedom to bear arms;

Keeps us safe from tyranny & chagrin.

It sounds many alarms

To evil, rebellious men.


We have freedom of Religion

So we can worship as we please.

In America, no matter which region

We can't be told which belief to release.


Today we Celebrate our Liberty

With song and fireworks so bright.

Celebrate freedom in all sincerity

And rejoice in its bountiful light.

Living Poetry
